This archive is an active work in progress. Please email me if you would like to share any documents to be added to this catalogue.
Pandomain Force Employment Concept
2.93MB ∙ PDF file
DownloadOriginally released in 2020, the PFEC outlines the CAF approach to pan-domain.
DownloadMemorandum For Adm For Canadian Centre For Cyber Security Roundtable
708KB ∙ PDF file
DownloadBriefing material for Senior ADM of Public Safety in preparation for the May 2023 Canadian Centre for Cyber Security's Federal/Provincial/Territorial Cyber Security roundtable.
DownloadMemorandum For The Associate Deputy Minister Prepatory Meeting For The Cyber Security Forum
522KB ∙ PDF file
DownloadPrepatory material for Senior ADM of Public Safety as part of their participation in the May 2023 Cyber Security Forum.
DownloadNote To Adm Pol Uk Integrated Research Refresh Cyber And Emerging Tech
352KB ∙ PDF file
DownloadBriefing Note to the Department of National Defence's Assistant Deputy Minister (Policy) about the UK's Integrated Review Refresh and cyber and emerging technology. This briefing note specifically contextualizes its implications for Canada.
DownloadDeputy Minister Appointment Defence Official For Cyber Security
478KB ∙ PDF file
DownloadBriefing Note on the Appointment of Chief Information Officer as the Defense Official for Cyber Security
DownloadHow Much Ssc Spends On Cloud Providers Aws Azure Google And Oracle
25.5KB ∙ PDF file
DownloadA breakdown of how much Shared Services Canada has spent on cloud service providers Amazon Web Services, Google, Microsoft, and Oracle. Costs are for between 2018 and 2023 (I think it is 2023, but it is not fully clear).
DownloadAll Gov Of Canada Orgs That Use Ssc Cloud Services
78.6KB ∙ PDF file
DownloadA list of all Government of Canada organizations that use Shared Services Canada cloud services as of end of fiscal year 2022.
DownloadConfererence Of Defense Ministers Of Americas
7.22MB ∙ PDF file
DownloadBriefing Package for the Minister of Defence for the 2022 Conference of Defense Ministers of Americas, which includes some cyber components.
DownloadGartner Report For Ssc On Economics Of Fed Investments In Cloud 2022
118KB ∙ PDF file
DownloadFully redacted except for names of authors.
DownloadGartner Canada Report For Ssc On Cloud Economics
798KB ∙ PDF file
DownloadHeavily redacted reported by Gartner for Shared Services Canada on cloud economics.
DownloadDND/CAF Cyber Authorities
1.6MB ∙ PDF file
DownloadA short briefing note to the Deputy Minister of National Defence about DND/CAF's cyber authorities. A short summary and outline of the authority DND/CAF has to conduct cyber opreations. (February 2022)
DownloadMemorandum For Deputy Minster Of Public Safety For Deputy Ministers' Committee On Cyber Security
2.33MB ∙ PDF file
DownloadBriefing material for the Deputy Minister' Committee on Cyber Security held in November 2022.
Note: Some fantastic information in this, albeit with some redacted information.
DownloadMemos And Documents On Microsoft Cloud Framework Agreement For Esdc
4.22MB ∙ PDF file
DownloadMemo to President and Executive VP of SSC and documents related to the framework agreement and amendments for Employment and Social Development Canada.
DownloadMinister of National Defence Cyber Playbook
8.66MB ∙ PDF file
DownloadThis short document is an outline for the Minister of National Defence on "potential areas of discussion within GoC on improving our collective resilience in cyberspace and the ability to deter aggression, offer options to Government, support out ability to carry out all authorized missions, and remain a reliable partner." (February 2022)
DownloadPackage For Special Meeting Of Cyber Security Committee
2.64MB ∙ PDF file
DownloadA briefing package provided to NRCan Deputy Minister for special briefing and session of Deputy Ministers' committee on Cyber Security with Chris Inglis, White House National Cyber Director. Shows efforts to align US & Canadian policy.
DownloadConsumption Of Protected B Cloud By Gov Of Canada Department Through Ssc
150KB ∙ PDF file
DownloadHere is a list of all Government of Canada organizations/departments using Protected B cloud and the amount they spent between April 2019 and December 2021.
DownloadCyber In Continental Defence
3.79MB ∙ PDF file
DownloadA heavily redacted note from ADM Pol to Deputy Minister of Defense about "Cyber in Continental Defense." (July 2021)
Included is also a note to Deputy Minister and CDS about "Global Affairs Canada-led Cyber Attribution." (July 2021)
DownloadGov Of Canada Cloud Operating Model End State
22.8MB ∙ PDF file
DownloadPresentation deck about the Government of Canada's cloud operating model end state.
DownloadJoint Information Operations Force Employment Concept
7MB ∙ PDF file
DownloadThe force employment concept to inform the Canadian Armed Forces on how to operate in the information domain. It can be considered as a predecessor to the Pan-Domain Force Employment Concept.
DownloadRecords Leading To Ssc Rcr 001 For Stats Canada Cloud
66.1MB ∙ PDF file
DownloadMassive trove (1000+ pages) of emails and documents associated with Shared Services Canada's requirements confirmation request for Statistics Canada cloud.
DownloadVcds Briefing Note On Cyber Mission Assurance
4.23MB ∙ PDF file
DownloadA thorough 59-page briefing note about DND's Cyber Mission Assurance program. (Including charter & initial functional planning guidance). (August 2020)
DownloadScenario Note For Associate Dm Gac Cse Cyber Mapping & Digital Issues
63.6KB ∙ PDF file
DownloadA partially redacted scenario note about a cyber mapping exercise conducted by CSE for GAC, which notes the work of CSE to brief ministers and ADMs to "socialize cyber"
DownloadCaf Joint Doctrine Note Cyber Operations
3.47MB ∙ PDF file
DownloadThe CAF's Joint Doctrine Note on Cyber Operations is a high level strategic/policy document to explain and unify the core approach to cyber operations by the CAF and how it intends to deploy cyber operations.
DownloadCloud First Primer For Senior Management
814KB ∙ PDF file
DownloadThis guide is meant to address
the gap decision-makers face when adopting
public cloud services.